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Tips to Avoid Asthma

Asthma is a chronic condition that affects the airways and makes breathing difficult. It can cause wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. Asthma attacks can be triggered by various factors, such as allergens, smoke, cold air, exercise, infections, and stress. While there is no cure for asthma, there are ways to prevent asthma attacks and keep your symptoms under control. Here are some tips to avoid asthma:

  • Identify and avoid your triggers. The first step to prevent asthma attacks is to know what causes them. You can keep a diary of your symptoms and the environmental and emotional factors that affect them. You can also ask your doctor for allergy tests to find out what you are allergic to. Once you know your triggers, you can take steps to avoid them or reduce your exposure to them. For example, if you are allergic to dust mites, you can use dust-proof covers for your mattress and pillows, wash your bedding regularly in hot water, and vacuum your home frequently. If you are sensitive to smoke, you can avoid smoking and secondhand smoke, and stay away from places that allow smoking. If you have exercise-induced asthma, you can use your inhaler before you exercise, warm up gradually, and avoid exercising in cold or dry air.
  • Take your medication as prescribed. Your doctor may prescribe two types of medication for your asthma: long-term control medication and quick-relief medication. Long-term control medication helps prevent inflammation and reduce the frequency and severity of asthma attacks. You need to take it every day, even if you feel well. Quick-relief medication helps relieve symptoms when you have an asthma attack. You need to carry it with you at all times and use it as soon as you feel an attack coming on. Follow your doctor’s instructions on how to use your medication correctly and safely.
  • Use an air filter or humidifier. Air filters and humidifiers can help improve the quality of the air in your home and reduce your exposure to asthma triggers. Air filters can remove allergens and pollutants from the air, such as pollen, mold, dust mites, and smoke. Humidifiers can add moisture to the air and prevent dryness that can irritate your airways. However, you need to use these devices properly and maintain them regularly. Choose an air filter that has a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter that can capture at least 99.7% of particles that are as small as 0.3 microns in size. Clean or replace the filter regularly according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Use distilled or demineralized water in your humidifier to prevent bacteria growth and mineral deposits. Clean your humidifier frequently and keep the humidity level between 40% to 50% to avoid mold and dust mite growth.
  • Consider immunotherapy. Immunotherapy is a treatment that involves exposing you to small amounts of the allergens that trigger your asthma over time. The goal is to make your immune system less sensitive to these allergens and reduce your allergic reactions and asthma symptoms. Immunotherapy is usually given as allergy shots that are injected under your skin once or twice a week for several months, then once a month for several years. Immunotherapy may not work for everyone and may have some side effects, such as swelling, itching, or redness at the injection site. Talk to your doctor about whether immunotherapy is suitable for you and what to expect from it.
  • Have an asthma action plan. An asthma action plan is a written document that outlines how to manage your asthma on a daily basis and what to do in case of an emergency. It should include information such as: your triggers and how to avoid them; your medication names, doses, and schedules; how to monitor your symptoms and peak flow (a measure of how well you can breathe out); how to recognize the signs of an asthma attack and when to seek medical help; emergency contact numbers; and any other instructions from your doctor. You should review your asthma action plan with your doctor regularly and update it as needed. You should also share it with your family members, friends, coworkers, teachers, or anyone else who may need to help you during an asthma attack.

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